Sunday, January 9, 2011

Health Tips for Healthy Living!

1. Vitamin D is essential. It helps avoid colon and breast cancer. Dark skin blocks the sun, which is our greatest source of vitamin D so please have yours checked at your next Doctor's visit.

2. Soda is an additive stimulant loaded with caffeine and high fructose corn syrup. It is making us sick and fat. Break the addiction. Read more

3.Metabolism boosters: Cinnamon, red pepper, vitamin B complex, and pure coconut water

4. If you are age 50 you should have had or scheduled to have a colonoscopy procedure.

Shared by Ema Sinaiyah (Charlotte, NC)

1 comment:

  1. Shalom Elder Sinaiyah,

    Thanks for the great tips. This may sound crazy, but I have never heard of coconut water! Have you tried it before? Has any sister tried it before?
