One might say, what exactly is sinaiticism? Sinaiticism is a culture that is used to describe a way of life that is predicated upon the laws that were given to the prophet Moses at Mount Sinai. It is a value system that involves the teachings and principles that governed biblical Yisraelites. The practice of sinaiticism was commanded by Yah and communicated to Moses for the children of Yisrael. It is the doctrine of the bible.
Our culture is beautiful because of its nature and its source. Its nature is unadulterated, unblemished, and wholesome. Its source is the Creator of the heavens and the earth – Elohim. The torah was given to us for instructional purposes. It provides significance and direction as it relates to our purpose in life. Our purpose in life is to serve The Most High and learn about His plan of salvation.
We should all feel honored and blessed to have such a culture that stands alone and is independent of any other spiritual or religious bodies. Make no mistake about it; sinaiticism has nothing to do with religion. However, it has everything to do with the culture of our forefathers: Abraham, Isaac, and Yacob.
Let us continue to gleam and take pride in this culture as it was graciously given to us by Elohim. Taking sincere delight in sinaiticism could only be pleasing to Elohim. And at the end of the day, we should only want what is most pleasing to The Most High.
Shared by Sister Gabrielle (Charlotte, NC)
Well said and beautifully articulated. All praises to YAH.